3 Simple Rules to Get Started

Some kids do not easily learn from everyday life. These kids miss out on important social lessons like how to learn in a group or how to make a new friend. This is where a behavioral therapy program comes in.  When you begin a therapy program, it is best to start simple. Focus on these... Read more »
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Teaching Friendly Requests

This is part 2 of our Social Skills for Happy Kids series Appropriate requesting is a primary goal of any good social skills program, whether for toddlers, teens, or adults. When your child approaches you and looks at your face, you know for sure that she is communicating with you, rather than talking to herself... Read more »
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Happy Kids Make Friendly Requests

Sometimes, kids get what they want in not-so-great ways. They whine, they cry, and they grab things out of our hands. We all have tough days and forget our manners. But for some kids, it’s not just a tough day. Happy people of all ages can ask for what they want. And they can tolerate... Read more »

Hannah Alejandria, RBT, Graduate Intern

Hannah Alejandria is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) and Graduate Intern with Patterson Behavior Services. In this role, she assists our BCBAs as they create treatment plans, assess skills, and train parents and RBTs. Hannah also works directly with children to teach new skills and reduce challenging behaviors.  Hannah completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology with a... Read more »
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Amanda Breed, RBT

Amanda Breed is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) with Patterson Behavior Services. In this role, she works directly with children to teach new skills and reduce challenging behaviors. Amanda has been an RBT for 2 years and is currently studying to become a Behavior Analyst. She completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology at Hobart and William... Read more »
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Susan Thomson, Clinical Administrator

Susan Thomson is the Clinical Administrator for Patterson Behavior Services. In this role, she acts as a liaison between our providers, families, and health insurance companies.  Susan completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Central Arkansas and has worked in a variety of healthcare and administrative settings. In particular, her background as a pediatric occupational... Read more »
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Valerie Zagursky, BCBA

Valerie Zagurksy started out as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) with Patterson Behavior Services. Now, Valerie is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. In this role, she creates treatment plans, assesses skills, and works with a team of parents and RBTs to create learning opportunities for each child. Valerie has worked in the field for more... Read more »
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Get Kids Talking with These Fun Books

One of the best parts of working with kids is trying out new games, toys, and books! In therapy sessions, we rely on play and fun to capture kids’ attention and teach them new skills. We love when new language skills emerge during naturalistic activities like playing pretend, taking turns, or reading a book. And... Read more »

Autism Therapy Can Save Your Summer!

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused cancellations in summer camp, summer school, child care, sports, hobbies, vacations, and social opportunities. For parents of kids with autism, this can feel like a disaster! Not only are these kids losing the chance to practice their communication and social skills, they are missing the routine and structure that they... Read more »
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The BEST Toys and Games for Developing Social Skills

Finding the right activities for school-age kids with autism or other challenges can be tricky. These kids usually have their own interests and preferences for activities, but those activities are often solitary. Their peers spend a lot of time alone too: watching Netflix or YouTube videos and playing video games. We think there is nothing... Read more »
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